Awards & Grants 2023
November 2023
Citation Ranking: Seven Goethe University Researchers at the Top of the World. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dimmeler/ Director of the ICR Institute at Goethe University/ Institute of Molecular Medicine/ German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)/ Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence Cardio-Pulmonary Institute (CPI) of Goethe University, University of Giessen and Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in the category „Cross Field“.

September 2023
ICR Postdocs and PhD student awarded at Young DZHK Retreat. Congratulations to Kathrin Stilz, Julian Wagner and Debanjan Mukherjee were awarded for their oral presentations, rapid fire talks and posters at the annual Young DZHK retreat 2023 in Potsdam.

February 2023
Congratulations to our Postdoc Emmanouil Solomonidis for receiving a research grant from the August Scheidel Foundation for his project on „Resident bone marrow macrophage dynamics following myocardial infarction“. The purpose of the August Scheidel Foundation is to research the origin of diseases and to research cures to combat diseases. They will support Emmanouil Solomonidis research with 30.000 €.
Awards & Grants 2022

December 2022 ukrainian PhD student, Mariana Shumliakivska receives Engagement Scholarship 2022

September 2022 our MD Student Sam Schröter won a Poster Prize at the DGK Herztage in Mannheim

September 2022 Wesley Abplanalp, Igor Macinkovic, Lukas Tombor, 3 prizes at the NGSymposium, 3 prizes at the NGSymposium
July 2022 SFB 1531 “Damage control by the stroma vascular compartment”,

June 2022 PhD student Anita Tamiato, EVBO best presentation prize award,

April 2022 ERC Advanced Grants for the ICR,

April 2022 ICR postdocs receive prizes and awards at the DGK Jahrestagung,

April 2022 Otto Warburg Medal 2022 for Stefanie Dimmeler,

Awards & Grants 2021
At the 3rd Joint Dutch German Vascular Biology Meeting in November 2021
– Anita Tamiato received the Poster Award
– Guillermo Luxán received 2. Prize Herrman Rein Award
– Caroline Kohle the Aletta Jacobs Memorial Travel Award

June 2021 Guillermo Luxán received the peer-reviewed grant for young scientists from Else-Kröner Stiftung to study the role of endothelial angiocrine signals in cardiac ageing.

April 2021 At the 87th annual meeting of the German Society for Cardiology (DGK) Stefanie Dimmeler received the Paul-Morawitz-Preis for her excellent contribution to the cardiovascular research field
February 2021 The joint work “Long Noncoding RNA TYKRIL Plays a Role in Pulmonary Hypertension via the p53 mediated Regulation of PDGFRβ” of Christoph Zehendner and Chanil Valasarajan should is the research award winner 2021 of the René Baumgart Foundation.

Awards & Grants 2020
December 2020 Reinier Boon receives „European Research Council“ (ERC) consolidator grant for 5 years to investigate the role of non-coding RNAs in ageing
August 2020 Prof. Stefanie Dimmeler was awarded the ESC Gold Medal in recognition of her outstanding achievements with her research work that has contributed to a better understanding of cardiovascular diseases and to the development of new treatment approaches

October 2020 Julian Wagner received the 2nd price of the Rudi-Busse-Young-Investigator-Award for experimental cardiovascular research from the DGK
Awards 2019

June 2019 The Council for Basic Cardiovascular Research of the European Society of Cardiology awarded the 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award to Reinier Boon. He receives this award in recognition of his contribution to cardiovascular basic science in

June 2019 Jedrzej Hoffmann, Guillermo Luxan, Andreas Heumüller and Julian Wagner (v.l.n.r.) received a Poster award at the CPI Retreat at the Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim.
April 2019 Stefanie Dimmeler gives the Honorary Award Lecture on Basic Science: „The RNA World – implications for cardiovascular disease and therapy“ at the annual meeting of the German society for cardiology (DGK). see more…

Award 2018
Stefanie Dimmeler visited several institutions across Australia as part of the Selby Fellowship during January and February. She visited eight institutes and universities, including a six-week sabbatical at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney.

The visits allowed Stefanie Dimmeler to establish and build on existing collaborations, and to give lectures in Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. Selby Fellowships are awarded to distinguished overseas scientists to visit Australia for public lecture or seminar tours, and to visit scientific centres in Australia.
Award 2017
April 2017, Simone-Franziska Glaser receives the Award for the best Posterpresentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cardiology (DGK) 2017 in Mannheim. Simone-Franziska gave an excellent poster presentation about the role of the histone demethylase JMJD2B in endothelial-to-mesenchymal cell transition.

March/April 2017, Dorotée Julia Trembinski wins the Young Investigator Award at the Dutch-German Meeting of the cardiology work groups in Münster and receives the second price of the Rudi-Busse-Young-Investigator-

Dark Genome: Non-Coding RNA’s in Cardiovascular Disease
Paul Dudley White Lecturer Stefanie Dimmeler, MD, PhD describes her recent work on the role of non-coding RNA’s in cardiovascular disease and the progress being made towards translating that knowledge into new clinical treatments.

Award 2016
Federica Lunella received her award from the president of the organising committee of the FCVB (Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biology) congress, Prof Elisabetta Cerbai, in July in Florence, Italy. The FCVB biannual congress is organised by the European Society of Cardiology Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science.
Award 2015
Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Stellos has been honored with the „Young Investigator Award“ of the American Heart Association’s Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology for his translational research about the role of RNA editing in gene expression in atherosclerotic heart disease, which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, 8th of November 2015.
Dr. Christoph Zehendner was awarded with the „ATVB Early Career Investigator Award“ of the American Heart Association during AHA Scientific Sessions in Orlando on 10th of November 2015.